1- الحاسبات للمرحلة الاولى
2- الحاسبات للمرحلة الثانية
التكريمات على مستوى وزارة فما فوق:
:الخبرات الأخرى
1- MS Office (Word, Excel, Access and PowerPoint)
2- Windows XP, Windows 7 & Vista.
3- Keyboarding in English and Arabic
4- Knowledge in C++ programming language
5- Knowledge in Matlab programming language (image processing). ∙ Knowledge in SQL Server language.
:اللغات التي يتقنها
English: reading and writing
:خبرات برامج الحاسوب الإحترافية
1- MS Office (Word, Excel, Access and PowerPoint)
2- Knowledge in C++ programming language
3-Demonstrated skill the ability in teaching and deliver the information in understandable
4-Well versed in Cloud Computing environment and platform
5- Knowledge in database and data mining
6- Familiar with in Big Data environment and platform
∙ Knowledgeable in Information Security of Network, encryption and decryption ∙ Aware of the Android platform.